Channel: life – The Clever Kris
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Nothing but the blood: GamVa.

So, keeping with my character sketches, how about I talk a little about the “partly-fictionalized” portion of my family tree? There are quite a few branches there to be sure, of mismatched friends and...

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That, right there, is what you call a “teachable moment.”

In one of my flippant, wine-accompanied, philosophical moments, the other night, I found myself saying, “Well, if it’s possible, it’s necessary.” It just fell out. You know, I was standing around, my...

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A word about lesbians…

So, Mississippi’s made the news, again. Have you heard? Itawamba County’s School Board has decided to cancel the local high school’s prom because one student, a lesbian, wanted to wear a tuxedo and...

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Excuse me, did you just call me a fad?

I learned what the meaning of fad was the hard way.  And I don’t just mean having to look it up in a dictionary. Since, I come before the mandatory use of home computers. I had a personal encounter...

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This is a sappy blog, and it was well overdue.

The last good day I had was back in 1994, in October, on a Thursday afternoon. I was in line at McDonald’s waiting for a milkshake, and the man in front of me turned around and gave me $15 because he...

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There’s no “I” in Verizon. Oh, wait, Yes there is.

I’m going to tell you why I believe in karma: chewing gum. I have never, believe me, ever been one to litter. I don’t like it. I find it tacky, low-class, and uneducated of people to throw trash along...

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What happens when you’re late to the boat.

Most of the time, I have the best of intentions. A week into the oil devastation that now ravages our gulf coast, and I’d already registered my name with the Audubon Society as an eager volunteer,...

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Once upon a time, I went to Michigan, again.

What I remember most about my recent trip to Michigan—though, there’s a part of me that would like to tell you what happened at the casino in Saganing, but it’s too soon—is the fact that I counted...

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Copycats are amazing listeners.

I’m not taking any illegal drugs, let me just get that out in the open, right off the bat. And I don’t think my diet has changed all that significantly, though I’ve graduated from Grade A, Farm Fresh,...

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You know what they say about big ears…

Yesterday, while at lunch—Chinese buffet, the temptation never dies, does it?—I overheard a table a few booths away talking. They were replaying, in conversation, a blow-by-blow of what they’d done...

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